Letter from TNV President

President Letter

As we reach the end of another year of hard work and numerous achievements to report we will be reporting to you monthly from here on in.

I want to start by saying what an honor it has been to lead and work with such an inspirational group. There cannot be enough said about how extremely grateful I am for the support of this board.

Tourism Nicola Valley was started in 2005 as a Hotel Association with hotel owners and managers on the board. As hotels changed owners we were often short board members and struggled for a quorum. In 2012 we updated our by-laws to include tourism businesses and businesses that would encourage tourism.

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Letter from TNV President (2)

Dear Merritt Tourism Businesses,

It's the time of the year when we celebrate the remarkable progress and initiatives that our tourism community has accomplished this year in Merritt. Your commitment to enhancing the visitor experience has truly positioned Merritt as a tourism destination on the move. As we look forward to 2024, we are excited to continue working on expanding our tourism seasons, increasing the average length of stay for travelers, and enhancing our adventure opportunities for locals. 

Merritt and the Nicola Valley will be well represented by a Tourism Information Rest Area (formerly known as Gasoline Alley) with a digital sign educating the traveler, and directing them to our downtown and adventure destinations throughout the region. The Community Sightseeing App will compliment the sign by educating and enticing visitors to create custom tours and explore our unique town.

The bus tours are coming! We will soon see our bus weaving through the charming streets of Merritt and highlighting the hidden gems of Merritt and the TNRD. It is one of our many commitments to showcase our town's rich culture and history.

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