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Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally At the British Columbia Overland Rally, we bring together some of the overland ...

Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally

At the British Columbia Overland Rally, we bring together some of the overland world’s top travelers, instructors, vendors, and a huge variety of individuals, couples, families and friends, who want to learn new skills, meet vendors, make friends, be inspired, win prizes, and have a great few days camping and chatting in sunny Merritt BC, just 3.5 hrs from Vancouver or 1.5 hrs from Kelowna. What can I do there? Everything from 4WD training to wine-tasting.

Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally

Nicola Valley Events, Festivals and more

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    Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally

    Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally

    At the British Columbia Overland Rally, we bring together some of the overland world’s top travelers, instructors, vendors, and a huge variety of individuals, couples, families and friends, who want to learn new skills, meet vendors, make friends, be inspi...

    Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally

    At the British Columbia Overland Rally, we bring together some of the overland world’s top travelers, instructors, vendors, and a huge variety of individuals, couples, families and friends, who want to learn new skills, meet vendors, make friends, be inspired, win prizes, and have a great few days camping and chatting in sunny Merritt BC, just 3.5 hrs from Vancouver or 1.5 hrs from Kelowna. What can I do there? Everything from 4WD training to wine-tasting.

    Merritt British Columbia Overland Rally

    Nicola Valley Events, Festivals and more

    21st Jul, 2023
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