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British Columbia Overland Rally 

Nicola Valley BC Welcomes Back BCOR 2023 Overland Rally

BC Overland Rally is Western Canada's largest family camping event. Were you learn how to safely explore the remote backcountry. A place to come together and learn new skills, win prizes, make friends while camping under the stars in Merritt BC. BC Overland Rally is a friendly-family event that brings together some of the overland world's top travellers and instructors. 

Activities & Events at Overland Rally

A few events that attendee's can participate in or look forward to at the Overland Rally being held in Merritt BC. Nightly campfire raffles, 4WD trail drives, top instructors teaching 4WD techniques, solar power benefits, wine tasting, family spotting and much more. Experience BC Overland Rally in the Nicola Valley BC. 

BC Overland Rally Festival in the Nicola Valley BC



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Merritt Adventures